The Muse Minefield

October 14, 2010

two-handed schools (a lesson in Martin and Monk…)


the vibrating strings add melody

to words that vibrate the earth

the hands of a musician

the hands of a martyr

are clasped in an image

that goes beyond any piano

that goes beyond any pulpit

mere wood carved

and shaped and commanded

in immortal mold that maintains

the same breath, the same heartbeat

for both prayer and improvisation 

two hands can blur the black and white

that sits idle, that sits ignorant

absent the rhythm and the reason

the flow of blood and thought

that celebrates

life through composition

that celebrates

death through baptism

two hands are brought together in prayer

from right to left / from left to right

two hands caress and pound contrasting tones

(between heaven and hell there is harmony).


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