The Muse Minefield

October 8, 2010

dust to dust

our bodies bounce and bend as if we’re requesting entry into the grooves

of the dusty Smokey Robinson record that crackles and skips

but we continue our dance like we’re back in 1969

long before we met but we remember the dreams that we had as kids, the feelings that we had as kids

when the air was different / when the care was different

we wondered what it would be like, the way it would look, the way it would feel…whatever it was

but we would only catch the last part of sentences, the parts that would sound the best- what some would call climaxes-

where the men would start laughing and the women would start shushing them, saying “them kids might be listening!” We were…

and here we are, bringing the dust to our tongues like the sugar we licked off our fingers when we were kids…

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